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MääritelmäVainoaminen merkitsee jatkuvaa ahdistelua tai häirintää loukkaamisen ja vahingontuottamisen tarkoituksessa; julmaa sortoa. Tahdon aluksi sanoa selvästi, että kenen tahansa sortaminen on pahaa. On myös väärin ja epärehellistä viitata vainoon, kun kysymyksessä on ollut rauhallinen, tyyni, tosiasioihin perustuva ja ketään ahdistelematon erimielisyys. En hyväksy tai tue minkään kansan tai ryhmän vainoamista. JohdantoTässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan kolmea kohtaa suhteessa mormonikirkon vainoamiseen:
Parhaan tietoni mukaan aiheesta ei ole tehty syvällistä tutkimusta. Kysymyksistä on kirjoitettu monia hyviä teoksia kustakin erikseen, mutta mitään yleistä, niitä kaikkia kattavaa ei ole kirjoitettu. Vuosien kuluessa olen ihmetellyt tätä aihetta ja pannut muistiin lähteitä, jotka ovat kosketelleet tätä ongelmaa. Artikkelin lopussa on kokoelma näitä lähteitä. PohdittavaaA hint of the complexity of this subject can be found in the so called persecution of Mormons that led to their communities leaving the Palmyra, New York area; Kirtland, Ohio area; Independence, Missouri area; Nauvoo, Illinois area and almost leaving their final settlement in the Salt Lake City area. Can any thinking person not even be suspicious that perhaps there might be some other reason(s) than to say each and every one of the area the Mormons left had a large enough population of evil persecutors to force the move? How about the consideration of what the common denominator was in each of the geographical areas, a consideration of what each of the areas had in common, the population of Mormons? Persecution in Kirtland, Ohio is usually mentioned but they fail to mention the illegal and fraudulent banking practices there and how the top leadership left the area and just escaped being arrested. Elder Dallin H. Oaks, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in speaking about the mistakes of Mormons said:
Mormons are quick to point to Missouri Governor Bogg's Mormon "Extermination Order" but fail to consider Sydney Rigdon's "Salt Sermon" about trampling and hanging dissenters, the role of slavery, the historical events that led to Bogg's order and the latter attempt on his life. What most people miss is the correct definition of "extermination" in the 1835 time period. Webster's Dictionary of 1828 under "exterminate" has:
They are quick to claim persecution in Nauvoo, Illinois but fail to recognize the help non-Mormons gave to the Mormons when they left Missouri and moved into the Nauvoo area, how Mormons stole from the non-Mormons, counterfeiting of money and the political and economic issues. Probably few consider that what they call persecution was punishment from the Lord (Doctrine and Covenants 101:2-7; 103:1-4: 105:2-5) Overshadowing all of these is the way frontier societies handled serious conflict. Those that point to religion as the only reason for the persecution of the Mormons ignore the peaceful existence with their neighbors of the Harmonists in Pennsylvania and Indiana, the Shakers, the Wallingford Community in Connecticut and the Oneida Community in New York. Both of these last two practiced free love. Yet none of these received persecution to the degree experienced by the Mormons. For many Mormons, without their even being aware of it, persecution has reached the status of a myth. Frequently the accusation of persecution is given emotionally, but with little or no factual basis. It is all emotion and frequently used as a response to any information that is con-Mormon (as in pro and con), whether it is really persecution or not. They are quick to claim persecution in the present day, but fail to consider:
These same Mormons fail to consider that the Bible in Jude 1:3, 2 Timothy 1:7-9, 4:2; Ephesians 6:19-20 and Hebrews 5:14 says all mature Christians should present and defend their faith in Jesus Christ. We have the Apostle Paul's examples in Acts 17:1-2, 17, 22, 18:4. There is more on this subject under "Why Do We Oppose Mormonism?" which can be linked to off our home page. They fail to consider that some of the problems they call persecution were/are from the Lord because of the disobedience and transgressions of the "Saints" (Doctrine & Covenants 101:2-7; 103:1-4; 105:2-6). JohtopäätöksetOlen päässyt siihen mielestäni parhaaseen johtopäätökseen tähän mennessä, että sekä mormonit että ei-mormonit syyllistyivät vakavaan vainoon. Se on molemmin puolin ollut taloudellisten ja poliittisten voimien, pahojen ihmisten, koston aikaansaamaa, ja tapa, jolla uudisasukkaiden yhteisö aikanaan ratkoi ongelmia. Se on monimutkainen aihe, jota ei voi mitenkään ymmärtää perehtymättä asiaan syvällisesti. Minä en väitä ymmärtäväni sitä täydellisesti. Olen vain tutkinut aihetta. Onko mormoneja vainottu? Kyllä. Ovatko mormonit vainonneet muita? Kyllä. Onko kummallakin puolella ollut lieventäviä asianhaaroja? Kyllä. Onko aihe monimutkainen? Erittäin monimutkainen. Lähteitä mormonien ja mormonikirkon "vainoksi" kutsumista tiedoille New Yorkissa, Ohiossa, Missourissa ja Illinoisissa
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2001-06-02 2002-09-10 |